Chapter Leads

The members who coordinate meetings and activities, ensuring the Chapter runs smoothly and benefits all members.

Prudence Tweedie-Millsap
Chapter President
Doug Joyce
Chapter Planner

About the Chapter

Amazon sellers and eCommerce entrepreneurs who run the fastest-growing brands in the world.


Chapter Members


Growth Rate


TTM Revenue


Avg TTM Revenue




Avg Employees


Avg Age

Top Categories Represented

Discover the leading business niches and fields of expertise among members in this Chapter.

Housewares/Office/Pet Products — 31%

Health/Beauty/Supplements — 28%

Sports/Outdoors/Other Health Products — 14%


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Chapter Event Highlights

MDS Chapter events come in all shapes and sizes, offering unique ways to connect and enjoy time with fellow members.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Million Dollar Sellers community?

The Million Dollar Sellers (MDS) is an exclusive community of accomplished e-commerce entrepreneurs, each generating over $1 million in revenue. We provide advanced resources, events, and a network to help established sellers scale their businesses.

What are the benefits of joining MDS?

You gain access to exclusive events, curated business resources, mentoring opportunities, and a network of high-level sellers. This allows you to gain insights, solve problems, and take your business to the next level.

How is MDS different from other ecommerce communities?

We focus on successful sellers rather than beginners. Our members have built million-dollar businesses, so the knowledge shared is highly advanced compared to more introductory communities.

How much does membership cost?

Membership is $1,795/quarterly or 5,995 annually. There is a 60-day risk-free trial period and you can cancel anytime.

Ok, Enough Talking. Join CentralFlo Chapter

We are always looking to meet new entrepreneurs, so if you read this far, you might as well join. Apply now and enter the ranks of elite multi-million dollar sellers.

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